There are several great products on the market, The Hl-4570Cdwt Wireless Laser Printer With Duplex Printing, Dual Paper Trays is our recommendation for you. The Hl-4570Cdwt Wireless Laser Printer With Duplex Printing, Dual Paper Trays is a popular product that everyone can invest on. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..

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Bring high-performance printing to your office or small workgroup with this wireless laser printer. Fast output speeds help increase your productivity. Make an impact with brilliant color documents, thanks to the high-quality print resolution. Automatic duplex printing reduces the amount of paper you use, helping you reduce your costs and your impact on the environment. Quickly print from your USB flash memory drive without turning on your computer with the USB direct interface. Process even the most complex projects with the large, expandable memory. Maximum Print Speed (Black): 30 ppm; Network Ready: Yes; Printer Type: Laser.

 Hl-4570Cdwt Wireless Laser Printer With Duplex Printing, Dual Paper Trays

Best Price Hl-4570Cdwt Wireless Laser Printer With Duplex Printing, Dual Paper Trays

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