There are many quality products on the market, The OKI MC362w LED Color Laser MFP (25 ppm Mono/23 ppm Color) (533 MHz) (256 MB) (8.5" x 14") (1200 x 600 dpi) (Max Duty Cycle 45,000 Pgs) (p/s/c/f) (Duplex) (USB/Ethernet/Wireless) (350 Sheet Input Cap) is one that you should have. The OKI MC362w LED Color Laser MFP (25 ppm Mono/23 ppm Color) (533 MHz) (256 MB) (8.5" x 14") (1200 x 600 dpi) (Max Duty Cycle 45,000 Pgs) (p/s/c/f) (Duplex) (USB/Ethernet/Wireless) (350 Sheet Input Cap) is a excellent product and we are pleased with its quality. A lot of customers have a blast using this product. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
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OKI MC362w LED Color Laser MFP (25 ppm Mono/23 ppm Color) (533 MHz) (256 MB) (8.5" x 14") (1200 x 600 dpi) (Max Duty Cycle 45,000 Pgs) (p/s/c/f) (Duplex) (USB/Ethernet/Wireless) (350 Sheet Input Cap)
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